If you haven’t yet completed the original survey, click the TAKE SURVEY button below.
At Gedeon Richter, we understand that many women find it difficult to talk about aspects of female health like Uterine Fibroids.1 There are feelings of stigma and taboo – and often poor understanding of this very prevalent disease.1 It is why we’re determined to keep talking about and understanding UF. The original UF Perspectives Survey was developed to explore and collate current healthcare professional (HCP) viewpoints surrounding key aspects of UF.
The survey should take you less than 5 minutes and allows you to see the aggregated views of your peers too. We will collate and share all these findings with the HCP community once the survey closes.
1. Evidation Study. Survey of Americans who had Evidation’s mobile App installed, 92% female respondents (82% premenopausal); Data on file, Myovant Sciences Ltd.